Q & A

Is it free?  Yes! You're welcome to make a donation to the charity of the evening, but it costs nothing to sing or play.

What do I wear?  It's summertime, and it's not a concert — just friends getting together to play and sing. So, casual! Whatever you'd wear to a rehearsal.

Where do I park?  There's a church parking lot on Salem Avenue, and street parking, too. Too crowded? Drive around and park on Toledo Avenue and come in the back of the church.

Where do I enter the church?  The education building is on Salem Avenue, and the sanctuary is the big, triangle-shaped building next to Minnetonka Boulevard. You walk down the alley, past the cloister garden, and in through the big wooden doors. Please leave alley-side parking for those schlepping big instruments or people needing a shorter path.

How can I get music?   Singers can bring their own scores or borrow one at the door (thanks to Meetinghouse Church and St Catherine's University) — you sign a little checkout slip with your name and phone number, then return the score to the table afterwards. Instrumentalists have orchestral parts already on their stands.